Our Team

Pedro Correa
“For me, it means the continuous search for improvement in all aspects of the firm, not only in our financial performance, but in our effort to establish closer and broader relationships with our clients, to make them more efficient, to provide a better infrastructure and environment for those who work with us, to contribute with society in an ethical, supportive and responsible way, recognizing the contribution of each member of the CMA team, in our ability to listen to different opinions from different people, finally, in our capacity to be different and to be an example to be followed in law.”

Pedro Correa

COO - Chief Operating Officer


Pedro Correa, attorney and currently Chief Operating Officer at Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper, has over 25 years’ experience in implementing management processes in companies of different sizes and sectors, as well in and legal departments. 


Aside from being a business executive, Pedro also works as a corporate generalist attorney with ample in-house legal experience from different industries and sizes, especially Shell Group and BTG Pactual Group, Latin America largest investment bank.


As well, Pedro is an extremely result-oriented and hands-on lawyer, focused on contract drafting, regulatory, administrative, and corporate law, funding, corporate restructuring and M&A processes, litigation management and environmental (HSSE) issues, and capable of managing, engaging and influencing public agencies and their laws (resolutions, decrees, opinions, etc.). 


Acquired foreign experience from working in the USA for 6 months and travelling several times to Europe and Latin America for great scale and complex business counseling.




  • StartSe University – Executive Program (2023)
  • The Wharton School – Wharton Advanced Management Program, Management and Leadership (2022)
  • FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas – LLM, Public, Economic and Regulatory Law (2007 – 2008)
  • Ibmec LLM, Corporate Law (2002 – 2003)
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Law, Law in General (1993 – 1998)




  • Actual board member of RBNA Consult
  • Board secretary of Shell/Electron Advisory Board




  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French