Infrastructure Projects Pipeline – May 4 jun 2024

Infrastructure Projects Pipeline – May

By: Carolina Caiado, Fabiano Gallo, Alexandre Calmon and Marcelo Frazão



As Brazil needs to resume sustained growth, the country is concentrating its efforts on infrastructure investment projects. External factors, such as the post-Covid-19 pandemic scenario, the wars in both Europe and the Middle East, have dramatically impacted the country resonating on GDP and inflation globally.

To overcome both international and local challenges, Brazil has been investing in more than 90 infrastructure projects, supported by the Federal Government. The projects are subdivided into 9 strategic axes capable not only to provide the country with sustainable growth, but also generate jobs and income, while seeking to reduce regional and social disparities. The Federal Government also sees a promising scenario for projects using renewable energy sources.

The Federal Government has just passed in the National Congress a new law aiming at the creation of a new type of debenture with tax incentives (Federal Law no. 14,801/2024) to attract more private investment in infrastructure.

CMA, in cooperation with DLA Piper, constantly monitors the evolution of partnership rules and programs. Please find in the following pages a list of some relevant projects in the airports, railways, ports, highways, electricity, oil and gas, water and sanitation sectors.



Projects Pipeline


Privatization of the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo – Sabesp

This is one of the most important projects in the São Paulo state government’s pipeline. The São Paulo State Government is currently the majority shareholder in SABESP.

According to the State Government, SABESP’s privatization project aims to: (i) bringing forward the universalization of water supply and sewage services from 2033 to 2029; (ii) including the population not currently served by SABESP, living in rural areas and consolidated informal urban centers; (iii) reducing tariffs, with a focus on the most vulnerable population; (iv) improving the quality of service provision, with more resilient and sustainable infrastructures in the long term; (v) extension of the concession contract until 2060; (vi) implementation of regionalization to ensure the uniformity necessary for the implementation, operation and resilience of the shared infrastructure, respecting the specific characteristics of each municipality; and (vii) predictability in regulation, supervision and proper implementation of the investments necessary for universalization and adequate provision of services.

The government plans to invest BRL 68 billion by 2029 and BRL 260 billion by 2060.

Status: In December 2023, State Law No. 17,853/2023 was published, authorizing the Executive Branch of the State of São Paulo to promote measures to privatize SABESP.

At the same time, the state government has already held several public hearings and the goal is to hold the auction in 2024. In the context of the Municipality of São Paulo, the City Council will vote on the Bill authorizing the Municipality to enter into a contract with SABESP.,Estado%20de%20S%C3%A3o%20Paulo%20%E2%80%93%20SABESP


Center-East and West PPP – Paraná

Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná’s (Sanepar) project consists of a Public-Private Partnership in the form of an administrative concession for the provision of sewage services in central-eastern and western Paraná.

The tender will be divided into three lots.  The first, which covers 36 municipalities, will receive investments of BRL 1,693,570,110.27; the second lot covers 48 municipalities and will receive investments of BRL 2,821,687,485.19; and the third lot is made up of 28 municipalities that will receive investments of BRL 1,592,906,007.03.

The term of the three PPP contracts will be 24 years.

The request for proposals and other bid documents can be found on Sanepar’s website. The session to receive the envelopes, by lot, will take place on May 9 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Stock Exchange. The public session to open the envelopes will take place on May 21, starting at 2pm, also at the B3 headquarters.

Status: Opening of tenders.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Rondônia

This is a concession or Public-Private Partnership project to provide public water supply and sewage services, as well as operational management services, in 48 municipalities in the State of Rondônia. With the project, around 1.5 million people will be served, which represents 92.3% of the state’s population.

The public consultation on the project is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2024. The request for proposals is expected to be published in the third quarter and the auction will take place in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Pernambuco

The project consists of preparing studies to structure a partnership project for the provision of water supply and sewage services, as well as operational management services. With the project, 9.7 million people will be served in the 185 municipalities of Pernambuco.

It is estimated that around BRL24.799 billion will be invested.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul

This is a partial concession of water supply and sewage services in the municipality of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of the services provided, increase the availability of adequate infrastructure, reduce public spending, increase revenue, and promote greater efficiency in the management of public real estate, providing the necessary investments to meet consumer demand.

The private operator that will be responsible for providing the services must achieve the following targets: (i) maintaining 100% water supply coverage for 100% of the population; (ii) expanding sewage collection and treatment coverage to 96% of the population in 10 years; and (iii) reducing default rates from 18% to 9% in 8 years.

It is estimated that the project will receive investments of BRL9,549.3 million.

Status: In preparation for public consultation.


Concession of sanitation services in the municipality of São Gonçalo do Amarante – Rio Grande do Norte

The project consists of the concession of sewage and water supply services, investment and management of the public service in the municipality of São Gonçalo do Amarante, State of Rio Grande do Norte.

The FUNDACE/INCIBRA/MANESCO Consortium is responsible for developing the specialized technical consultancy services needed to model and structure the Concession. Caixa Econômica Federal, using funds from the Fund to Support the Structuring and Development of Concession and PPP Projects (FEP), is supporting project structuring.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Paraíba

This is a project to privatize, through private participation, the provision of public water supply and sewage services, as well as operational management services. The project, which will cover 93 municipalities in the State of Paraíba, is expected to increase water supply coverage by 22% and sewage coverage by 54%. This will benefit 2.2 million people.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the Municipality of Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro

The project consists of the concession of sewage and water supply services, as well as investments and management of the public service in the municipality of Volta Redonda, State of Rio de Janeiro.

The project is being developed by Caixa, using resources from the Fund to Support the Structuring and Development of Concession and PPP Projects (FEP), and by the French Development Agency. The consortium made up of the companies Setec-Hydratec, Fespsp and Pezco is responsible for preparing the modeling and structuring of the Concession.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Goiás

This is a public-private partnership project to provide sanitation services in 217 municipalities in the State of Goiás, with a total population of 3.4 million. The services are currently provided by the Companhia Saneamento de Goiás, which serves 224 of the 46 municipalities in Goiás.

The project aims to universalize sanitation services in the shortest possible time and maximize the number of municipalities and people served.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Sergipe

This is a project to privatize water supply and sewage services, which are currently provided by Companhia de Saneamento de Sergipe (Deso). The project covers 75 municipalities in the State of Sergipe, benefiting a population of 2.3 million inhabitants.

The project, which aims to universalize services in the shortest possible time and maximize the number of municipalities and people served, will receive an investment of approximately BRL 6.25 billion over the course of the 35-year concession.

The drafts and other project documents can be found on the Sergipe Development Agency website.

Status: Awaiting publication of the request for proposals.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Maranhão

This is a project for the concession of public water supply and sewage services in 214 municipalities in the State of Maranhão.

The project to be structured will include feasibility studies for the concession of water supply and sewage collection and treatment services in 214 of the state’s 217 municipalities, whether or not they are served by CAEMA, including their urban and rural areas, which do not yet have sanitation services delegated to the private sector, benefiting approximately 6.7 million people.

As the State has a large rural population, it also requested that these areas of the municipalities be included in the initial scope of the project. The feasibility of implementing the structure under this premise will be assessed in due course, during the study phase.

It should be noted that although the scope of the concession model covers 214 municipalities, at the request of the state, a diagnosis will also be drawn up covering the three municipalities that are currently private concessions.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Concession of sanitation services in the State of Pará

This is a project for the concession of water and sewage services in all the municipalities in the state of Pará, with the aim of achieving universal sanitation, as established in the sanitation legal framework.

The State of Pará is made up of 144 municipalities and, according to SNIS data, 52 of these are served by Companhia de Saneamento do Pará – COSANPA and the others by municipal authorities, direct municipal public administration or private companies.

The water and sewage service indicators in the state of Pará are low and below the average for the northern region and Brazil. Currently, the water and sewage service rates in Pará are 47.53% and 7.73%, respectively, while these indicators for Brazil are 84.83% and 54.95%.

Status: Under technical feasibility study



Projects Pipeline


New public procurement proceeding for Viracopos International Airport

The concession for Sao Paulo’s Viracopos International Airport, Brazil’s second most important airport in the cargo sector, will undergo a new public procurement proceeding with the aim of expanding, maintaining, and operating the airport. It is estimated that over the course of the 30-year concession, BRL 4.25 billion will be invested and operating costs are expected to be BRL 10.8 billion. The minimum grant estimated is BRL 4.35 billion.

The studies for the new public procurement proceeding of the airport were filed with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) on 3rd September 2022. The next step will be to publish the request for proposals (RFP) and set the date for the auction.

Status: Definition by TCU, ANAC, the Federal Government and the Concessionaire of guidelines for the contractual amendment.


PPP (Public-Private Partnership) for Regional Airport in Amazonas

The project consists of the block concession of the airports of Parintins, Carauari, Coari, Eirunepé, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Barcelos, Lábrea and Maués, all located in Amazonas. The aim of the PPP will be to expand, maintain and operate the airport infrastructure to overcome infrastructure and management deficiencies that affect proper airport services provision.

The project, provided for in Resolution No. 145/2020, is still in its initial study phase, so there is no estimate for the publication of the request for proposals or the expected investments yet.

Status: Under technical feasibility study



Projects Pipeline


Nova Ferroeste Bid

Nova Ferroeste is an expansion project for the Paraná Oeste S.A. Railway by building new sections that will connect the municipalities of Maracaju and Cascavel, Guarapuava and Paranaguá, Foz do Iguaçu and Cascavel. When the project is completed, the railway will be the second largest grain and container corridor in the country.

The planned contracting model is the assignment of five contracts signed with the Ministry of Infrastructure, which have been managed by Ferroeste. The minimum bid to be offered on the date of the auction, which will take place on the Stock Exchange (B3), is BRL 110 million. The Government expects that the project will receive investments of BRL 14.5 billion.

Status: Awaiting publication of the request for proposals


East-West Rail Corridor

The East-West Railway Corridor is a project for the West-East Integration Railway – FIOL (EF-334), in sections II and III, which will connect the Port of Ilhéus (BA) to the municipality of Figueirópolis (TO), and the Central-West Integration Railway – FICO (EF-354). The corridor will be granted for 35 years, with an estimated investment of BRL 25 billion.

Status: Technical studies


EF-170/MT/PA railway – Ferrogrão

The Ferrogrão project seeks to consolidate a new rail export corridor through the Northern Arc, by connecting the grain-producing region of the Midwest to the state of Pará. When completed, the project will have great transport capacity and competitiveness in produce flow, which will bring reduced heavy truck flow on BR-163, the highway that is the current transport route.

About the modeling of the concession, the Government plans to use a vertical model to operate the railway, in which a single company is responsible both for managing the infrastructure and providing the transport service. The railway will be granted for 69 years, with no term extensions, and the auction criterion will be the highest bid. The Government expects that approximately BRL 21,574,900,000 will be invested during the concession.

The studies for the Ferrogrão concession were filed with the Federal Court of Auditors – TCU on 10/07/2020, but TCU has yet to rule on the project.

Status: Awaiting TCU ruling


EF-317 Railway

The project consists of the construction of a new port terminal, located in Alcântara (MA), with a new railway integrating it with Brazil’s largest railway axis. It is a private railway and the studies were conducted by Grão-Pará Maranhão – “Grão Pará Multimodal S.A.”

In December 2021, the National Land Transport Agency – ANTT published the authorization for the operation of the EF-317 railway. ANTT estimates that the construction will start in January, 2027.

The Maranhão Railway will be approximately 536 km long, linking the Alcântara Port Terminal to Açailândia, allowing access for grain cargo from the Midwest regions via the North-South Railway (FNS).

Status: Waiting for private funding for the railway operation.   



Projects Pipeline


Access channel to the port of Paranaguá and Antonina / PR

The project consists of the concession of the Galheta Channel, i.e. the waterway access infrastructure of Brazil’s Organized Ports. The object of the concession will include port administration functions, especially regarding the management of waterway access infrastructures, seeking to expand, maintain and operate the Galheta Channel.

The concession period for the access channel to the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina will be 25 years, in which approximately BRL 1.07 billion will be invested.

The studies on the feasibility of the project have already been filed with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), but the Court has yet to rule on the project. The next step will be to publish the request for proposals and set the date for the auction.

Status: Awaiting TCU ruling


ITG02 – Organized Port of Itaguaí/ RJ

Considering the importance of the Itaguaí Port Complex, the project consists of the concession of the entire area, as well as all the existing equipment and buildings. The winning bidder will be responsible for overhauling, maintaining, revitalizing and modernizing the current infrastructure during the 35-year concession period. It is estimated that the project will receive an investment of BRL 2,136,434,593.00.

Status: Awaiting TCU ruling


ILH01 – Multiple Use Terminal at the Port of Ilhéus/BA

The Multiple Use Terminal at the Port of Ilhéus is designed to handle and store solid mineral and vegetable bulk and general cargo, as well as having a Passenger Terminal. The purpose of the concession project is to make the Terminal’s operations more flexible, with the aim of making the Port more agile in terms of providing services and handling the most diverse cargo that can be handled. The terminal will be granted for a period of 25 years, with an estimated investment of BRL 27,900,000.00.

Status: Preparation of technical feasibility studies


Santos Guarujá Tunnel

The project consists of the construction of an 870-meter-long tunnel between the cities of Santos and Guarujá (Tunnel), which aims to improve the flow of people between the coastal cities.

The winner of the tender will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, operation and investments needed to operate the Tunnel through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract, in the form of a sponsored concession.

The project is estimated to cost around R$6 billion, which will be financed by the Federal Government and the São Paulo State Government.

Status: Awaiting for the publication of the contributions to the public hearing




Projects Pipeline


BR-163/MS Bid

The new BR-163/276/MS public procurement proceeding project consists of the concession of the highway system to guarantee the integration of the network, reduce costs, and expand transport capacity. It is estimated that over the course of the 30-year concession, BRL 4,255,000,000.00 will be invested. The tender is expected to be published in the 4th quarter of 2024.

The feasibility studies have been filed with the TCU, but the Court is yet to rule on the project.

Status: Awaiting TCU ruling


BR 153/262/GO/MG Bid

The project to re-bid BR-53/262/GO/MG consists of the concession of the road system to guarantee the integration of the network, reduce costs and expand transport capacity. The Government estimates that over the course of the 30-year concession, BRL 5.3 billion will be invested. The Government expects to publish the request for proposals in the 2nd quarter of 2024.

Status: Awaiting TCU ruling


BR-381/MG Bid

The project consists of the concession of BR-381/MG to the private sector to enable the operation of the infrastructure and the provision of the public service of recovery, maintenance, conservation, and implementation of improvements to the road system. It is estimated that the concession will receive investments of BRL 9.36 billion over the 30 years of the concession.

On May 17, 2024, the National Land Transport Agency published the request for proposals for the road system, which can be found on the ANTT portal.

The auction of the project will take place on August 29 on the Stock Exchange and the bid together with the bid guarantee must be submitted on August 26.

Status:  Request for Proposals published. Auction scheduled for August 29, 2024.



Projects Pipeline


02/2024 Energy Transmission Auction

The 02/2024 Energy Transmission Auction is scheduled to take place in the second half of 2024, although ANEEL has not set a date for it. This auction, in turn, is yet another measure taken by the regulatory agency to enable and expand the flow of Brazilian margin because of the damage caused by the “race for grants” event.

The public consultation phase to gather contributions on the draft notice closes on April 18.

The projected investment for this project is BRL 4.06 billion.

Status: In public consultation.


Greem Hydrogen Hub – Ceará

Ceará’s Green Hydrogen Hub, in the Complexo do Pecém, was launched by the State Government in February 2021 in partnership with the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará (FIEC). The aim of this project is to reduce the emission of polluting gases with new investments, as well as to foster and expand local business opportunities with job creation throughout the state and thus boost Ceará’s economy.

By 2034, the production of Green Hydrogen (H2V) at the Port of Pecém has a projected installed capacity of 6 GW. This amount, in turn, will double the number of direct and indirect jobs in the region, which currently stands at 80,000.

The Australian company Energyx Energy has joined the project and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ceará government and another with Complexo do Pecém itself (CIPP S/A) for the construction of a fuel plant. As a result, the company is expected to invest around $5.4 billion in the project.

Status: In progress/under contract.


PPP – Solar Energy Generation for the State of Alagoas

The project consists of Renewable Energy Generation to be implemented with the bodies of the Executive Branch of the State of Alagoas, over a period of 35 years, under the contractual modality of Administrative Public-Private Partnership (Administrative PPP).

To this end, solar photovoltaic power plants will be built on rural and urban properties owned, leased, transferred, or possessed by the state – through its direct and indirect administration bodies.

It is expected that the maintenance and management of such projects, as well as the management and operation of electricity credit compensation services, will meet the energy demand of the entire structure of the state’s public bodies and will reduce costs related to electricity consumption, as well as encouraging the use of other renewable energy sources in the region.

Status: Under technical feasibility study.


Oil and Gas

Projects Pipeline


Permanent Offer

A continuous offer of areas for the operation and production of oil, natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons. The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) organizes and manages this process, public procurement proceeding for onshore or offshore blocks, including blocks or areas with marginal accumulation that have been returned or are in the process of being returned, under the concession regime.

Pre-salt Areas or Strategic Areas under the production sharing regime can only be offered under the Permanent Offer system by express decision of the National Energy Policy Council (“CNPE”), which establishes the specific criteria for each field or block.

The ANP is responsible for publishing the Permanent Offer Request for Proposals, detailing the blocks and areas available, as well as all the necessary guidelines for interested parties to participate. Given the permanent nature of this type of public procurement proceeding, the request for proposals is regularly updated to reflect the inclusion of new areas, the removal of areas that have already been awarded and the improvement of the rules. Companies with validated registration can express interest in one or more of the blocks and areas announced in the Notice.

Status: The ANP has temporarily revoked the OPC notice, as well as the Permanent Sharing Offer (OPP) notice, due to the need to adapt the local content rules to the new guidelines of the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE Resolution 11/2023).
